Revoke document approval

A quick guide on how to revoke document approval on the Energy Warehouse app

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Do not index
Do not index
In the event that an error is found on an already approved document you can easily revoke the approval on the Energy Warehouse app by following the simple steps below:
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1️⃣ Open the Energy Warehouse app and select the Home icon
Bottom left
2️⃣ Click on the “job” you would like to revoke document approval for
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3️⃣ Scroll down to “Client Documents
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4️⃣ Click on the credential icon
The green icon just above the “edit” button
Any admin can revoke an approved document
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5️⃣ Click “Confirm
This is to confirm that you wish to revoke your approval of this document. This will remove your credentials from it.
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6️⃣ You will now see the “Document approval updated” banner at the top of your screen and the revoked document will no longer show the “Approved” icon
The steps above not working?
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